Labor Day Present for you! Downloadable Planning Calendars with Sundays only 2014-2015 or 2015 Alone

So, people in ministry of all kinds constantly need calendars with just Sundays on them, for worship planning, sign ups and all kinds of other things. I tried googling a “Sunday only” calendar and didn’t have much luck and so I made my own. I’m offering them here in the JPG and also PDF versions. Feel free to download and use however it’s helpful to you. For now they’re not editable (I’ll work on that for next year) but I hope they’re helpful to some of my clergy friends!

2014-2015 Sunday planning This one the “school year” calendar is the one I use for worship planning. I just feel like the year “begins” with the start of school. I think this would be really helpful for those who need to write out who’s liturgist, who’s Sunday school teacher, etc. Come to think of it, it would be useful for any sort of task that has to happen on a weekly basis.

Get the PDF here. 

2015 Sunday Planning Calendar

For those who need a calendar that begins at the beginning of the year, here’s one for 2015. It’s a little early, but I bet a lot of people will get going on these in the next month or two, so here it is!

Get the PDF here. 

The PDFs are designed to be printed on legal size paper.

Please leave a comment and let me know how they work for you. If you’d like other features for next year, let me know and I’ll work on it! Happy Planning, friends!



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