Faith + Family + Spirit
Work with Traci

I am currently in the process of becoming certified as a coach through the ICF. As a part of my training, I have room for a small number of coaching clients. My areas of specialty for individual coaching are:
*Faith Formation Leaders
*Clergy Navigating Change
*Moms in Ministry
*Writing + Creative Process
I work with individual churches, Presbyteries, Synods, and denominational bodies to train and equip their faith formation staff and lay leadership. My area of focus is practicing faith at home.
I also consult around cross+generational ministry, trends in Christian Education, and faith formation, more generally.
Previous clients include:
- Presbyterian Church USA (and various Presbyteries)
- Fuller Youth Institute
- Yale Youth Ministry Institute
- Various Episcopal Diocese in the US
- Mid-Atlantic Association of UCC Educators and
- Many more!
I also speak to congregations and denominational bodies around faith at home practices, trends in faith formation, and congregational change.
Please set up a quick call to talk about consulting and speaking if you are interested! See the calendar below to sign up!